About the Netlabel

"Widerstand zwecklos" is german for "resistance is futile".

One can't bridge a short-circuit with resistance, so the intention could never be resistance but a short-circuit. Neither you should swim with the tide nor swim against it - just get the hell out of the water. Beyond the water there are no fixed genres, no restrictions, but corsairs crowded with grog-filled brawling pirates. Chanting songs of freedom - Arrr! Function follows form - and the form of the internet benifits freedom. That's why we give our music back to the sea.

Widerstand zwecklos was founded in July 2011 as an addition to the small scene of Austrian Netlabels. Although this netlabel isn't stricly electronic, a majority of the releases might have an electric/electronic/digital orgin.

Ahoi - Multigenre!

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Because there is also a RL somwhere outside, this netlabel is hosted climate neutral by df:

hosted climate neutral

Also net neutrality is also an important issue, to keep the seas crowded with free and awesome pirates, rather than tide-swimmers. So we support the german initative "Pro Netznetralität" mentally:

Initative Pro Netzneutralität html5Humans.txt