
David Huss
Grevenweg 32
20537 Hamburg

Demo Policy

If you like our Netlabel, if you think you could fit somehow (even in a strange way) into this label - don't hesitate to contact us. Just send us your demotape (if you're adventurous send an actual tape). The only criteria you have to match is to impress us (just a little bit ; ). If you have a soundcloud/myspace/similar account just drop us a few lines about yourself and Ctrl + V your link into the mail. If you don't have such an account upload your files to an server or use rapidshare or similar services. Pleaase don't send us mails with audiofiles as attatchments. This always takes forever.

If you send us our demo, you keep all your rights and we would never dare to release something stolen (if you're god enough to tease us into stealing your music consider yourself as a wdrstndzwckls-artist). Furthermore don't be shy/afraid. We are nice people, we won't talk bad about you, we treat your request as secret confident data and of course you will get a constructive feedback, with detailed critics. If you're located near one of us, contact us and we'll go out for a beer ; )

You may also contact David via Skype:

My status